8 Reasons to Use Java

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Java is the world’s third most popular programming language and has remained a staple language by keeping current throughout technological changes. From humble beginnings, it powers much of today’s digital world by offering secure platforms on which applications and services are built. It has significant benefits over other languages and environments, making it suitable for most programming tasks.

If you’re interested in learning more about this phenomenal programming language, read on for reasons to use Java.

1. Java Is Easy to Learn

Java was originally developed following the C and C++ programming languages but constructed to be much easier to use. You’ll find learning Java incredibly easy if you already know C or C++. But if you’re new to the programming world, don’t let that discourage you.

Java’s syntax is comparable to human language, thus, making coding relatively intuitive ⎯even for beginners with little experience. It is primarily considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn, along with Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.

Java basics can be learned within a few months, and the more time you spend learning Java, the quicker you’ll learn to code. While it would be challenging to master within a few days or weeks, you can learn quickly with dedication and practice. If you invest at least three hours a day in practicing and studying Java coding, you can gain a solid understanding of its fundamentals after two to three weeks.

However, Java is a restricted programming language, and for your programs to run successfully, you must learn and stick to a specific syntax. And some may feel that there are legitimate gripes about Java syntax. Ultimately you’ll absorb the sophisticated concepts fundamental to Java’s way and good programming practice.

2. Java Is an Object-Oriented Programming Language

One of the main reasons to use Java is because it is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. “Objects” can contain data and code; data includes attributes or properties and code in the form of procedures typically known as methods. Good OOP practice offers better methods to control access to the data. This safeguards mutable data from being changed on the fly and makes the application data safer.

Using objects in Java code increases the reuse and readability of the code. It offers a better programming style as a class can be instantiated once a call has been created and used in any part of the app.

Java is also deemed “strongly-typed” programming meaning each data type is well-defined and kept inside “classes.” The classes can be used to create instances of the objects and can be defined as a blueprint for specific object creation. The absoluteness of Java removes coding complexity and accommodates clean code and consistent results. A compiler will spot any coding errors to prevent runtime errors. The elegant outcome of a Java program results in the smooth interaction of components like a well-oiled machine.

3. Java Is Platform Independent

The reasons to use Java keep growing as its platform independence is another substantial facet of its popularity. Platform-independent equals Java program compatibility. Java’s compiled code can run on any device or operating system. This is known as the “Write once, run anywhere” principle.

Programming language is human-readable, as it may include phrases, words, etc., that a machine cannot comprehend. Therefore, the function of a compiler is to convert the human-readable version into machine-level language. The compiler program decodes the source code for another program using a different programming language into machine-language.

The executable code can be a series of machine directives to be executed directly by the Central Processing Unit (CPU.) Or the code could be a transitional version decoded by a virtual machine. This version in Java is the “Java Byte Code.”

4. Java Virtual Machine

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the machine responsible for allowing computers to run Java programs and programs written in other programming languages.

When JVM is installed on the machine required to run a non-Java program, it converts the non-Java language into Java bytecode. Java was a revolutionary godsend when it was released in 1995.

Here are some other JVM functions that convince developers to code in Java.

Runtime Environment With a Common API

Another huge benefit of the JVM is a standard API that works with platform-specific resources and handles platform-specific File I/O across all platforms. Not only that, but it manages other resources, including input-output devices and networking.

Access to Java Libraries

Java has a considerable number of Java libraries, and any JVM programming language will have access to all of them as if they were native to the language.


The JVM allows you to code highly secure programs with built-in security features. It prevents Java programs from interacting directly with OS resources, and security policy systems can be configured in JVM for specific needs.


Once the bytecode is loaded, JVM performs a verification according to the JVM specification. It ensures the generated code is written correctly and compiled by a valid compiler. There are several verification checks, including verification per JVM constraints and memory allocation.

Memory Management

Before the JVM release, developers had the additional job of program memory management. But now, there is no need to reserve memory for newly created arrays or to manipulate pointers trying to work with arrays. JVM handles all memory management by allocating the required memory for objects and variables.

Memory access is tracked, and the JVM subsystem “Garbage Collector” can reclaim unused memory when necessary.

Reasons to Use Java

Other Reasons to Use Java

Java is the most popular programming language after Python and C. Here are some other notable features of Java that contribute to its widespread use:

5. Versatility

Java has long been the go-to programming language for developing web apps, Android apps, and software development tools like “IntelliJ IDEA,” “Eclipse,” and “NetBeans IDE.”

6. Good documentation

Since Java is an open-source programming language, it is free and well-documented. It includes a complete guide explaining any issues you may encounter when coding.

7. Development tools

Its “Integrated Development Environment” (IDE) is another of its intriguing features. It is a collection of editors, automated tools, and debuggers.

8. A large community

Community support for Java is one of the main drivers behind its popularity, and it has the distinction of being the second-largest Stack Overflow community.

What Is Java Used For?

Java is undeniably a skill that is in demand. But why do people use it? Java is used to develop many things; here are some examples of Java programming use:

Web-Based Programs

Java is well-known for server-side programming in web app development. “Hibernate,” “Apache,” “JSF,” and “Spring” are among the most prevalent Java frameworks for creating web applications. It is used by large enterprises such as Amazon, LinkedIn, and AliExpress.

Video Games

In game development, languages such as C# and C++ are used by game engines like “Unreal Engine” and “Unity.” However, Java is the best choice if you wish to study graphics and game development from the ground up. It has several libraries and frameworks, including “OpenGL” and “LibGDX.”

Internet of Things (IoT)

Software developers typically esteem Java as the most suitable language for the Internet of Things gadget development, and there are many reasons why . Primarily, Java is “platform-agnostic” to offer cross-platform compatibility. The option to write code only once significantly reduces a developer’s overall workload.

It’s a better option due to its mobility and adaptability, as it’s also utilized for web, Android, desktop apps , and a range of other applications. In contrast to other languages, Java makes integration with other technologies much more accessible. For this reason, Java is also used to deploy automotive navigation technology, embedded electronics, and different medical devices.

Android Applications

Java accounts for a large chunk of Android applications and is Android’s formal programming language. Java is used by “Android Studio,” which is the IDE for creating Android apps.

Big Data

Many programming languages are used in Big Data technology. However, most programmers prefer Java. This is because Big Data tools like “Deeplearning4J” and “Hadoop” use Java, and its community support is great.

Desktop Apps

Java is renowned for developing graphical user interfaces for desktop apps. Several frameworks are obtainable, to make GUI Application Development feel like a walk in the park.

Enterprises Using Java

Here are some recognizable names that use Java programming partly or wholly to power their applications:

  • Google
  • Airbnb
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • Uber
  • NASA
  • Tesla

Reasons to Use Java: Because It’s Simply the Best

Java just happens to be the third most popular programming language in the world, and there are so many reasons to use Java. Its clean programming style, OS cross-compatibility, adaptability, and straightforward learning make Java the go-to language for most developers.

Among several other benefits of its use, many of which are mentioned in this article, it is free to use! Java has a large and supportive online community, so if you decide to use it, access to developer’s support and documentation are always close at hand.

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